931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy
Charlottesville, VA
(434) 984-9800
每年七月四日,世界各国的人来到汤姆斯杰佛逊的家:蒙提萨罗 (Monticello) 注册成为美国公民。成为美国公民的程序称做归化。住在美国数年后,移民可以请求归化成为美国公民。
弗吉尼亚西部的美国地方法院 (U.S. District Court) 法官米持 (Thomas J. Michie) 自1963年开始在蒙提萨罗举办独立纪念日 (Independence Day) 归化典礼。典礼由演奏美国爱国歌曲的演奏会开场。申请归化的请愿人及其家人、朋友和来宾都受邀参加此一典礼。独立宣言 (Declaration of Independence) 的开头部分由受邀来宾负责宣读,而受邀的演讲者则在新公民宣誓前致词;所有的正式程序退出后,再以一场七月四日野餐会退出这一天。
Every year on the Fourth of July, people from many different countries come to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s home, to become United States citizens. The process of becoming a U.S. citizen is called naturalization. After living in the U.S. for a certain number of years, an immigrant can apply for citizenship by petitioning for naturalization.
Thomas J. Michie, Judge of the U.S. District Court of Western Virginia, began the Independence Day naturalization ceremonies at Monticello in 1963. The ceremony opens with a concert of patriotic American music. The petitioners for naturalization, their family, friends, and guests are welcomed; an invited guest reads the beginning of the Declaration of Independence; and a guest speaker delivers remarks before the new citizens take an oath. After the formal proceedings, the day ends with a Fourth of July picnic.