2013.7.31 因家有事未桥墩写字,留在家里写在了纸上,完后,乘兴做了件久想尝试之事——毛笔写英语。
写的自然是Michael Jackson的歌词,歌曲自然是They don’t care about us.

没有毛笔写英语的经历,所以很不习惯 ,及到后面才稍稍有点感觉。
They Don’t Care About Us
收录于专辑 HIStory
发行 1996年4月1日
作曲、作词 迈克尔·杰克逊
迈克尔·杰克逊为自己创作,以表达对受到的不实指控和迫害的愤怒,同时也表达了对弱势族群的同情,呼吁人们为捍卫自己的权利而战斗。 zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Don’t_Care_About_Us
They Don’t Care About Us
Michael Jackson
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shock dead
Everybody’s gone mad
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don’t you black or white me
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I’m tired of bein’ the victim of hate
You’re rapin’ me of my pride
Oh, for God’s sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy…
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black mail
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame
They’re throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can’t believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don’t wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin’
He wouldn’t let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
Some things in life they just don’t wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin’
He wouldn’t let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, kike me
Don’t you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
All I wanna say is that They don’t really care about us
毛笔写英语 你说行不行?
我起初觉得我即便写地差,但也能算得上新奇少有的毛笔英文字,然而搜索了下,发现我孤陋寡闻,中国毛笔写英美文字,并不新鲜,@知乎 上还有专门问题。
鞠何其:当然,很多日本游戏就已经这样做了 2013-04-21
- Chinese brush,writing brush 毛笔
- calligraphy 书法
- inkstand,inkstone 砚台
2013-08-01 16:58:33 XUEXX.COM IPO 终于好了!