
关于案件辽宁杀人冤案:丹东警察隋庆安子隋冰捅死徐峰逍遥法外七年 地方官员王杰田立新耿长林贪污腐败以权谋私,网上能找到的介绍最详细的,包含有比老人街头伸冤布上所写更多信息的,就是人人网上一个叫“徐峰”的日志,下面我将全文转载其中的中英文伸冤文章,以及几张图片。

生 日:1987-11-16  星 座:天蝎座
家 乡:辽宁 丹东市
(2006.9.7 被捅伤,2007.4.9去世 年仅20岁)



好心人停下脚步看一看 重大命案无人管

街头伸冤布上写着2007.2.9 徐峰去世,这里照片的日期2007.2.12、2007.1.21可以认为一致。


2008-01-29 14:30































      7、 2007年4月10日,丹东市公安机局振兴分局控申处通知家属到分局听处理结果,我们听到的是经分局重新审理,以前办理的案件无错,徐峰的死不予立案。











徐峰: 现在是民告官 不好告 再说现在也没有哪个律师敢参与进来 怕受牵连 现在唯一的办法就是多宣传让舆论压死这帮贪官 希望你多把文章发一发 谢谢 好心一定会有好报的
回复 2008-04-26 17:21

顾飞2008-04-05 18:31回复
大家都认识 也不说别的了 希望大家有时间把上面的文章发到你们所知道的网站 让更多的人能看到 谢谢

顾飞: 希望看见这篇文章的都能帮的分享一下  2008-11-10 18:46
老谷: 除非到北京  2008-11-10 18:48
顾飞: 回复老谷:他爸去北京不知道多少次了 根本不让告 你去了就知道了 去告那些人当面就把你的材料撕了  2008-11-10 20:22
老谷: 看 什么时去 在奥运会期间就不 行了 我建议到公安厅  2008-11-10 20:28
顾飞: 回复老谷:你是谷明凯么?  2008-11-10 20:35
老谷: ???怎么了  2008-11-11 11:38
老谷: 应该到www.ifeng.com  2008-11-11 11:42
段龙生:   回复顾飞:不是吧你认识? 2010-10-12 22:36
顾飞: 回复段龙生:嗯 我高中一个很要好的朋友 你也认识?


In order to die of punishment on a false charge the son asks for redress

2008-08-19 13:24


First,Natural situation

My name is Xu Ji Pin、Male、45 years old、My spouse Song Ying、Female 45 years old、Presently lives 108,10thbuilding zhenxingarea Dandong Liaoning ProvinceTelephone 13470050762。Both of us average per person are the unemployed,Sells each bowl of Yuan maize gruel to provide for the son to go to school。
My son Xu Feng、Male、19 years old、On November 6, 1987 stranger,Graduates in 2006 from Dandong Jingye High school,And enrolled the same year college entrance examination,Enrolls by Beijing University A new departure School Law department。Summer vacation and raises the expense for the solution family livelihood which Beijing goes to college,Ourchild go work in the beer square of LeGou supermarket 。


1st, Case cause

On July 7, 2006 before dawn about,After Xu Feng gets off work,8 colleagues gets off work together who with other go home,When way Dandong Secondary occupation High school opposite waterfront place,Takes the lead Liu Wei Peng、Liu Zhanfei two people see Sui Bing(male, murderer) spends two people with Li Wen to quarrel (female),Li Wen Hua in one side to cry,Then goes forward to ask Sui Bing:“You do any to bully female?” Sui Bing replies:“You manage any other people’s business?” Was saying was saying, both sides then begin to hit。Xu Feng and he travels together together Ju Yun Long to stem from the good intention to go forward to mediate a quarrel to try to break up a fight, and said: “Do not hit.” This time sees Sui Bing to grasp the pointed knife dynasty to bow cloud Long Ci to go, Xu Feng sees the shape to take a step to go forward to want to pull open both sides, cannot think Xu Feng is absolutely punctures bows the cloud dragon Sui Bing, the following closely also holds he who the knife faces empty-handed comes to try to break up a fight to puncture, after Xu Feng stabs by the knife, drops down immediately, latter is escorted to by two colleagues the Dandong first hospital to carry on the rescue, simultaneously 110 reports to the police to the public security organ。
After Xu Feng is hospitalized, after the Dandong first hospital diagnosis is “the open abdomen damage, the low blood volume shock, the stomach penetration wound, the artery blood vessel bursts, the large intestine puncture wound”. Ju Yun Long also punctured “the spleen breakage and the blood pneumothorax”, two average per person hospital treatments, latter decide as the heavy injury after the Dandong Police station medical examiner evaluating center.

2nd,110 polices have gone, the murderer turn over the local police station

After 110 polices receive report, rushes immediately settles sends the scene, and has made the inquiry to two injured parties……,110 polices together successively arrive Dandong with the Xu Feng colleague to garrison 230 hospitals,Hospital outpatient clinics and so on Dandong Chinese medicine hospital search, the direction, arrest the murderer, finally the package will be pricking the hand the Sui Bing in the city Chinese medicine hospital which was injured (the Sui Bing hand will be knife which is taken by oneself punctured skin, bled) stops up in the handling room, Sui started to deny fights with other people and holds knife wound person, latter after indicated and confirmed Sui Bing to acknowledge two wounded were he hold the knife to stab. As soon as immediately 110 polices turned over together crime suspect Sui Bing and other several litigants for Dandong Police station Promotion Area Sub-bureau passed through the street border defense local police station.

                     3rd, the official official is mutual, the murderer gets off scot-free

         Sui father of – – Sui Qing an , is originally the Dandong border defense cadre, after the career change is the Dandong Police station Silver piece Area Sub-bureau seven local police station’s polices.
         The Sui Bing stabs human’s same day, as soon as his the father Sui Qing an goes to pass through the street border defense local police station, the incomprehensible matter has also occurred, as soon as Sui Bing same day on passes through the street border defense local police station to bleed off, until now gets off scot-free.On September 10, as soon as 2006, Xu Feng Grandpa Xu Futian once found passes through the street border defense local police station the leadership, inquired “how the Xu Feng case was does process?”Police inspector Wang Jie said that,“The human is I puts, which is willing to consider to which considers!”

         4th, illegal handles a case, extortion of confession by torture, the legal principle theory of law does not accommodate

                    The Xu Feng in hospital first in 20 days spit blood having blood in stool to continue continuously, human all of a sudden thin more than 20 catties.After a month, in under medical care personnel’s treating and curing, the above symptom only then has the alleviation, but in this occasion has spent the hospitalization expenses tens of thousands of Yuan and owes is hospitalized the medical service several thousand Yuan, in continues to pay the expensive hospitalization expenses incapably in the year situation, had no recourse has gone through the out of hospital formalities in October 8, 2006, went home continues to go see a doctor the medicationtreatment.     
        On November 6, as soon as 2006, the Xu Feng mother Song Ying receives passes through the street border defense local police station police Liang Kai telephone oral notification: “Why has Xu Feng do not come?”Song Ying answered: “Xu Feng in home injection.” Liang Kai said that,“He must come.” Song Ying asked: “What does he do?”Liang Kai said that,“Needs him to sign manages obtains a guarantor to post one’s bail awaits trial.” Song Ying said that,I “my son does not have the crime, what manages to obtain a guarantor to post one’s bail awaits trial?”Liang Kai said that,“If he does not come today,you do not walk.”Has no method, the Song Ying has to use the telephone to let in the family for injection Xu Feng ride in a carriage passes through the street border defense local police station, afternoon 2 o’clock, the Xu Fengarrives the local police station, also sees separates about for half hour, as soon as Grandpa Xu Feng (67 years old) paternal grandmother (67 years old) also one after another rushes passes through the street border defense local police station, handles a case police police Liang Kai, Zhao Wanli from 2 pm starts to inquire, not yet is restored to health to the body the Xu Fengto carry on the corporal punishment, does not let it sit the stool, and puts out the handcuff to pose the threat, pushes and shoves many times to it and scolds.Grandpa Xu Feng, paternal grandmother, the mother saw the Xu Feng complexion then to be pale, the four limbs trembled, in absolutely cannotted be helped as soon as in the situation, signed the character which obtained a guarantor to post one’s bail awaits trial only then to allow to leave passes through the street border defense local police station.Goes home that very evening Xu Feng then felt the abdomen ache, on November 7 early morning starts the symptom which appears having blood in stool to spit blood, morning once more is admitted to the Dandong first hospital surgical department at the same day.
        On November 18 because of the aggravation of disease, does not see the change for the better, after the Dandong first hospital agreed transfers the outside areas to continue to treat, arrives Shenyang successively, Beijing, is admitted to Beijing Military region General hospital Surgical department in November 21, 2006.On December 13 treats the change for better

        5th, frames the charge, on the net pursues runs away

                   On January 2, because 2007 victim Xu Feng the feeling abdomen ill and has little having blood in stool to be admitted to Beijing Military region General hospital.On January 5 the body change for better, but still at goes see a doctor in the treatment Xu Fengin Beijing by the Beijing Dongcheng district Police station criminal police by the national net on the most wanted terrorist name arrest, and forcefully has gone through the out of hospital formalities immediately.
                   On January 10, 2007 about 17 o’clock, took into custody in the Beijing lockup 6 day-long Xu Feng to appear spits blood massively, the having blood in stool symptom, the Beijing lockup police officer and doctor delivers immediately Xu Feng to Beijing Public security Hospital, after the inspection, Beijing Public security Hospital was unable to treat, finally escorted to the Xu Feng Beijing Military region General hospital to carry on the rescue (this time only Beijing lockup to pay gate medical fee to reach 1000 Yuan).
                   On January 11, 2007 4 pm, the hospital has issued the critically ill written notice to the Xu Feng parents, on January 21, 2007 holds the abdomen surgery once more to the Xu Feng, because in February 9, 2007 18 o’clock ends aggravation of disease after rescue invalid death.
                   Xu Feng three in hospital accumulation expense medical expenses approximately 20 ten thousand Yuan.
Third, the clear fact, the serious law and discipline, punish the murderer, ask for redress for the dead
                   Because 1st, the Xu Feng on September 7, 2006 mediates a quarrel, to try to break up a fight is grasped by Sui Bing the pointed knife to stab (Sui Bing is holds knife to stab Ju Yunlong in first, after but second time holds knife wound person continuously), he holds knife wound person’s behavior by no means accidentally or the error, should be action the intentionally injury.

                  2nd, the Xu Feng state of an injury, the Dandong Police station medical examiner evaluating center already qualitative was: Heavy injury.(Ju Yunlong the wound, the Dandong Police station medical examiner evaluating center also qualitative is: Heavy injury)
                  Because 3rd, Xu Feng the first time Sui Bing takes knife wound person in hospital time is: From September 7, 2006 to October 8, 2006; Second time handles a case the police first one day to inquire, the corporal punishment, because second days appear having blood in stool, spit blood, in hospital time is: From November 7, 2006 to January 5, 2007; The third time is in Beijing lockup period appears having blood in stool, spits blood is hospitalized, the time is: Died time January 10, 2007 to February 9, 2007 stops.
        Investigates from above three stage in hospital time, the analysis matter develops the process, specially the second in hospital and transfers from the Dandong first hospital to Beijing Military region General hospital, this period is continual, goes to Beijing Military region General hospital also is the Dandong first hospital agreement;As soon as his family member Grandma Xu Feng also went to Xu Feng Beijing to go see a doctor the incident to inform passed through the street border defense local police station.That, as soon as did the Xu Feng why document become Dandong Promotion Area Public security Sub-bureau to pass through the street border defense local police station “the fleeing criminal”? Which laws “has the fleeing criminal” all offended our country’s, the laws and regulations, the provision?
                  As soon as 4th, “the fleeing criminal” Xu Feng has been caught in the Beijing Dongcheng district, takes into custody in the lockup, Dandong Promotion Area Public security Sub-bureau passes through street border defense local police station this situation to know otherwise? Why 6-7 day all not to go to Beijing to escort back under guard the criminal offender the document to send, handles a case legally? This normal? What kind of actually intends to? The Beijing Dongcheng district criminal police telephone urges Dandong to raise many times, why doesn’t go slowly?

                  5th, on January 12, 2007, Dandong Promotion Area People’s court by criminals and so on accused person Liu Weipeng has picks a quarrel stirs up trouble the crime to make (2007) is popular at the beginning of the punishment the character 19th criminal activity written judgment, but the written judgment has not made the fact to the Xu Feng knife wound form to recognize.
                  As soon as 6th, the Xu Feng is taken since September 7, 2006 by Sui Bing the knife to hold to pass through the wound in hospital rescue treatment to November 6, 2006 by Dandong the street border defense local police station to subpoena; Is arrested to January 5, 2007 by the Beijing Dongcheng district criminal police takes into custody; Died to February 9, 2007 until now, Dandong Public security organ has not been taken to Xu Feng by Sui Bing the knife to hold the wound make any conclusion, the cause holds knife wound person’s murderer to get off scot-free until now.

          7th, on April 10, 2007, the Dandong public security machine bureau promotion area sub-bureau informs the family member to listen to the processing result to the sub-bureau, we hear are try after the sub-bureau, before handles the case is correct, Xu Feng refuses stubbornly to give puts on record.
Fourth, Xu Feng family member now situation
                 Grandpa Xu Feng, paternal grandmother the year exceed seven ten-day periods, three generation sole lines of descent, Xu Feng died the news puts on, grandfather and grandmother fall ill in bed; The Xu Feng father, the mother comes off sentry duty, not to have the source of income in pairs, dies since Xu Feng, is heavily in debt, its mother mental aberration; In order to rescue the Xu Feng, got up the relative to spend more than 20 ten thousand Yuan medical expenses, the family circumstances already collapses.

Fifth, the tragedy was still repeating
                 On May 15, 2007, I carry the complaint material with the spouse which prepares, fills with the expectation with the mood which prays hoped to arrive in front of the Liaoning Province provincial party committee big front gate, prepares to lead to the provincial party committee department concerned leans states the tribulation which our this unfortunate family experiences.However makes us absolutely not to think, just arrived the provincial party committee front door mouth in us soon also was the morning about 9:00 comes out suddenly from inside group of police, the objections had not said put up our couple on to tow toward the provincial party committee inquiry bureau, towed while fights. Just arrived in the inquiry bureau building, some more than 10 police did not ask the good or bad holds my collar then fist foot adding together right in the face to hit me.After police (after inquired knew as soon as this human of name calls Lu Dianhua) to fight with the fists on mine face, wipes out immediately mine right front tooth, about two teeth also all quickly fall off.Follows closely one group of police 56 people to go forward to continue approximately to beat me, continues to amount to 10 minutes long.One side my rips abundantly, at the same time shouted “saves a life, the police hit the human”.As soon as this group of police just called a halt, the third group of police came up the continuation to fight me, police attacked fiercely the number fist to mine chest, hit I linked cough continue, the mouth spat the foam, they only then gave up.These three groups of police continue to beat me long to reach for half hour, until now my forehead, the chest still the ache continued.My spouse has not been able to escape by luck in the inquiry building corridor, also is beaten by several male police the menstruation incontinence, the inside and outside trousers has soaked, the neck is also pinched is swollen.Not only this field looted in our mind to receive enormously panic-stricken with the wound, felt has doubts with the indignation.Initiate the user friendly in the Central Party Committee and the State Council to manage and to construct the harmonious society vigorously, the request judicial organ humanist, civilized law enforcement today, in the solemn provincial party committee front door mouth, the body is the People’s Police,it is in the glare of the public eye unexpectedly under the broad daylight, small and weak appeals for help to one attacks brutally, we really did not understand, I really did not know the low is for whom
Sixth, appeals human’s several requests

              1st, requests earnestly the leader supervision department concerned to exercise the right legally, the serious law and discipline, is launched legally to Xu Feng by the knife wound lethal document, the trying maintenance legal sanctity.

              2nd, serious law and discipline, murderer rope in law.

              3rd, according to the national related stipulation, sentences father of the Sui Bing to compensate Xu Feng the medical service, compensates the Xu Feng parents’ economic loss.
           Regarding the above fact, we have the massive evidence and witness may testify.Our intense request department concerned investigates thoroughly the fact once more, the severe punishment murderer, asks for redress for us!                                              I herewith offer
                               Accuses the human: Xu Jiping, Song Ying On May 20,2007

2013-06-02 08:48:13 XUEXX.COM IPO
2013-06-02 08:55:08 补充标题 中英文

作者: 辛德林记

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