Samsung Pays Apple $1 Billion Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins
Posted on the 28 August 2012 by Jesusmsanchezl
This morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially, the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.
the funny part is that the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send the creators of the iPhone their billion dollars in the way they deem best.
This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Apple executives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins.
Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.
You can use your coins to buy refreshments at the little machine for life or melt the coins to make computers, that’s not my problem, I already paid them and fulfilled the law.
A total of 20 billion coins, delivery hope to finish this week.
你们能够用你们的硬币终身在little machine 买小吃或者融化硬币做电脑,那不是我的问题,我已经付清履行了法律。
Let’s see how Apple will respond to this.
You didn’t think this could be real right? but hey! you loved it
谣言「三星赔了苹果30卡车硬币」最初来源2012.8.18Jesusmsanchezl在Paperblog.com HUMOR>SATIRE幽默讽刺版块发表 “Samsung Pays Apple $1 Billion Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins”,但作者已经表明在恶搞,结尾写道You didn’t think this could be real right :)

三星赔30卡车的硬币 苹果你慢慢数去吧
2012-8-29 来源:游久产业 作者:锦微
Samsung Pays Apple $1 Billion Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins
PaperBlog – This morning more than 30 trucks filled up with coins of 5 cents arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially, the security company that protects the facility said it was diverted to the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way. (Apple, Culture, Industry, Samsung)

Hoax Alert: Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion in 30 trucks full of 5 cents coins
Dailybhaskar.com | Aug 29, 2012, 22:55PM IST
Today the Internet is abound with the news of Samsung sending 30 trucks loaded with coins of 5 cents to the Apple’s headquarters in California. The news is a hoax.
This news report published in PaperBlog today says the security company that protects the facility said it was diverted to the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.
The report further says that the idea which originated from a meme of the popular website 9Gag.com, could present a way to pay the amount. It is to be noted that the jury did not specify a single payment method, and, so Samsung is entitled to send money in any form as they deem best, to the Mac producers.
Sounds Fake, if you really think of it, $1 billion is equals to 20,000,000,000 5 cent coins, and ***uming each has volume of 0.59 ml, and then the total volume will be 11,800,000,000 mL or 11,800,000 L. A huge tank truck can carry over 34, 000 L. So in short, you need roughly 347 trucks to carry all the money to Apple’s headquarter not 30 trucks.
三星给苹果硬币谣言起点PaperBlog:Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion in 30 trucks full of 5 cents coins
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