


  1. 白人(含西班牙裔和拉丁裔白人): 72.4%
  2. 黑人: 12.6%
  3. 亚洲人:4.8%
  4. 美国印第安人: 0.9%
  5. 夏威夷与其他太平洋岛屿原住民:0.2%
  6. 混血及其他人种:9.1%  (美国2010年人口普查  )

☆CIA Ethnic groups美国族群

  1. white 79.96%  白人
  2. black 12.85% 黑人
  3. Asian 4.43% 亚裔
  4. Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97% 印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民
  5. native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%夏威夷和其他太平洋岛屿原住民
  6. two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)

note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic


via CIA,Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局/中情局
The World Factbook 世界概况 UNITED STATES 地址
PAGE LAST UPDATED ON JULY 17, 2012 页面最后更新 2012.7.17


  1. 基督教新教: 51.3%
  2. 天主教: 23.9%
  3. 摩门教:1.7%
  4. 犹太教:1.7%
  5. 东正教:1.6%
  6. 佛教:0.7%
  7. 伊斯兰教:0.6%
  8. 其他:2.5%
  9. 无宗教信仰:4%
  10. 独立的(unaffiliated):12.1%(2003年)

via 维基百科


Social class in the United States美国社会阶级
Social classes in the United States lack distinct boundaries and may overlap. Even their existence (when distinguished from economic strata) is controversial. The following table provides a summary of some currently prominent academic theories on the stratification of American society

Dennis Gilbert, 2002

  1. Capitalist class (1%) 资产阶级
    Top-level executives, high-rung politicians, heirs. Ivy League education common.
  2. Upper middle class[1] (15%)上层中产阶级
  3. Lower middle class (30%) 下层中产阶级
  4. Working class (30%) 工人阶级
  5. Working poor (13%)
    Service, low-rung clerical and some blue-collar workers. High economic insecurity and risk of poverty. Some high school education.
  6. Underclass (12%) 下层阶级


  1. Demographics of the United States,en.wikipedia.org
  2. The World Factbook,Central Intelligence Agency,www.cia.gov
    CN = VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority – G5
    OU = (c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. – For authorized use only
    OU = VeriSign Trust Network
    O = VeriSign, Inc.
    C = US




313,847,465 (July 2011 est.) 3.1亿(美国)东部标准时间2011.7
country comparison to the world: 3 世界排名3
via 同上 CIA官网

☆wikipedia’s data

As of 2012, the United States has a total resident population of 313,986,000,[1] making it the third most populous country in the world.[2] It is a very urbanized population, with 82% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2008 (the worldwide urban rate is 50.5%[3]). This leaves vast expanses of the country nearly uninhabited.[4] California and Texas are the most populous states,[5] as the mean center of United States population has consistently shifted westward and southward.[6] New York City is the most populous city in the United States.


Core city市中心区:New York
City Metro area pop.19,015,900
based on the 2011 U.S. Population Estimate

via Wikipedia:Demographics of the United States 链接

☆Historical populations历史人口

人口普查 人口 变化率
Census Pop. %±
1790 3,929,214 –
1800 5,236,631 33.3%
1810 7,239,881 38.3%
1820 9,638,453 33.1%
1830 12,866,020 33.5%
1840 17,069,453 32.7%
1850 23,191,876 35.9%
1860 31,443,321 35.6%
1870 38,558,371 22.6%
1880 49,371,340 28.0%
1890 62,979,766 27.6%
1900 76,212,168 21.0%
1910 92,228,496 21.0%
1920 106,021,537 15.0%
1930 123,202,624 16.2%
1940 132,164,569 7.3%
1950 151,325,798 14.5%
1960 179,323,175 18.5%
1970 203,211,926 13.3%
1980 226,545,805 11.5%
1990 248,709,873 9.8%
2000 281,421,906 13.2%
2010 308,745,538 9.7%


The total fertility rate in the United States estimated for 2009 is 2.01 children per woman, which is below the replacement fertility rate of approximately 2.1.[10] However, U.S. population growth is among the highest in industrialized countries,[11] since the vast majority of these have below-replacement fertility rates and the U.S. has higher levels of immigration. The United States Census Bureau shows population increase of 0.91% for the twelve month period ending in July 2011.[14] Nonetheless, though high by industrialized country standards, this is below the world average annual rate of 1.092%.

美国2009年总的人口出生率估计为每个女性生产2.01个小孩,那是低于约2.1的置换生育率(人口置换率/人口替换率replacement fertility rate )。然而,美国人口增长在工业化国家中是最高的,因为这些国家绝大多数低于置换出生率,而美国有高水平的移民。美国移民局展示在截止2011.7的12个月的时期里,人口增长0.91%。尽管如此,虽然比工业化国家标准高,但这是低于世界平均年度增长率1.092%.



Infant mortality rate婴儿死亡率
total: 5.98 deaths死亡/1,000 live births安全出生
country comparison to the world世界排名: 174
male: 6.64 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 5.3 deaths/1,000 live births (2011 est.)


Infant mortality rate:
total: 15.62 deaths/1,000 live births
country comparison to the world: 111
male: 15.38 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 15.9 deaths/1,000 live births (2011 est.)



Life expectancy at birth平均预期寿命:
total population: 78.49 years
country comparison to the world: 50
male: 76.05 years
female女性: 81.05 years (2011 est.)


Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 74.84 years
country comparison to the world: 96
male: 72.82 years
female: 77.11 years (2011 est.)


In 2010, the median age for marriage for men was 27; for women, 26.

在2010,美国男人结婚年龄中位数为27,女人26.(via wikipedia)


In February it issued an update that caught up to the user-generated encyclopedia, in some cases lifting its numbers from the same sources Wikipedia used.


  1. wikipedia.org
  2. cia.gov




The United Arab Emirates
امارات متحده عربي

首都:    阿布扎比
官方语言:    阿拉伯语
人口数量:     423万(2004)
人均GDP:     5万美元

甩头发是阿联酋特有的传统民间舞蹈。  甩头发表演时,演员们站成一排,脚下无任何动作,只是有节奏地扭动腰肢,晃动颈部,将头发甩起来,动作并不要求整齐。甩头发舞蹈在阿联酋并非随处可见,只有在重大喜庆场合才会进行表演。按照当地习俗,阿联酋妇女婚后外出需穿黑袍用黑头巾裹头,将头发遮盖的严严实实,有的妇女甚至还要戴上面纱。

道路通行:     靠右驾驶


北京未来之舟 2011年06月09日


阿拉伯语(اللغة العربية‎),简称阿语,即阿拉伯民族的语言,属于闪含语系闪语族[1],主要通行于西亚和北非地区,现为27个亚非国家及4个国际组织的官方语言。以阿拉伯语作为母语的人数超过二亿一千万人,同时阿拉伯语为全世界穆斯林的宗教语言。阿拉伯语因分布广阔,因此各个地区都有其方言,而“标准”阿拉伯语则是以伊斯兰教经典《古兰经》为准。

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memoJ  2009-4-25 19:22  百度知道
ZIDANEMENGZHU 2011-7-27 18:34 知道

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2011-12-12 00:51:05 作者:袁淑君 来源:半岛网-城市信报 穆斯林在线

时间:2012-06-02 下午12:48:00 标签: 国外, 文化, 风俗
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